Profession Practice

Categorization certificate issuance

Conditions and required documents:

  1. Headed, sealed and a printed letter addressed to Jordan Engineers Association in which the names of engineers currently working and registered with the company are mentioned; or otherwise to fill the categorization certificate issuance form in presence of the founding partners, provided the commercial register and ID card are brought.
  2. To pay the annual subscription fees of all engineers listed in the statement.

Certificate issuance steps:

  1. To fill the certificate issuance form.
  2. To pay the certificate issuance fees (JOD 7 only).
  3. To print out To whom It may Concern letter listing the names of the individuals working for the company and registered in the Association records.

Certificate issuance notes:

1st: The categorization letter sent by the contracting company to the Engineers Association may be brought by any person sent by the company with no authorization and without mentioning his name in the letter.

2nd: If the names mentioned in the Association records do not confirm the names listed in the company’s statement, the company corrects the situations of the engineers who finished their services and were appointed by the company.