Powers and duties of the Council

The council performs its work in accordance with the powers granted to it in the Association law and its regulations, as Article No. (41) of the law stipulates the following:

 Accepting and registering Jordanian engineers and monitoring the performance of the legal department.

Acceptance of Arab and foreign engineers and organizing the practice of engineering work for them.

 Opening records for the various branches of engineering and adding other branches.

Managing the practice of the profession for Jordanian and non-Jordanian consulting offices and monitoring their performance

Registration of Jordanian and non-Jordanian engineering contracting companies.

 Supervise the preparation of the final account for the ended fiscal year and the preparation of the draft budget for the next year to be presented to the Central Authority and the General Assembly.

 Preparing for the elections of association bodies and councils at all levels.

 Appointment of the secretary general of the association.

 Appointing the heads of trade union committees.

Implementing the decisions issued by the association, signing contracts, litigating in the name of the association, and acting as a  plaintiff or complainant in every case related to actions that affect the dignity of the association or the dignity of one of its members (all this through the representation of the president of the association council).

Holding a meeting to discuss the management of the Association, at least twice a month.

Powers and duties of the head of JEA

The President takes on several missions and powers within the Board:

 Presiding over the Association Council and managing its meetings.

Representing the Association before the judicial, administrative, and non-administrative authorities.

 Representing the Association, implementing its decisions, and signing its contracts

 Litigation on behalf of the Association.

 Signing deposit and payment orders and other securities with the treasurer.

Signing the correspondence issued by the Association and having the power to delegate the Secretary-General in some of them.

 Presiding over the ordinary  and extraordinary meetings of the Association's bodies

 Signing a summary of the meetings of the general bodies of the Association.

 Chairing the retirement fund management committee.

Chairing the Social security  Fund Management Committee.

 Attending the meetings of the Committee for the settlement of Objections to the Board's Decisions in the Management of the Pension Fund.

 The head of the Association has the right to challenge the law of electing the Council of the Engineering Offices and Companies Authority or any of its procedures.

 Initiating a disciplinary action at the request of the head of the Association and the decision of the Council.

Participation of members of the Association Council in the powers and duties of the Council.


Powers and duties of the Vice President of JEA:

 Carrying out the duties and powers of the head of association when he travels.

   *Carrying out the duties and powers of the head of association when he is busy.

   *Chairing the Staff Committee.

   *Representing the association in trade union bodies, the Federation of Arab Engineers, and joint committees with the public and private sectors.

   *participation in the Council in all its activities.

Powers and duties of the Secretary-General:

 The link between the association  council and all the association  bodies.

   *The link between the association  council and the employees.

   *Attend the meetings of the Council and writing the reports  of the meetings and participate in its discussions.

   *Recording the minutes of the council meeting sessions in its capacity as a disciplinary board.

   *Organizing the administrative and financial affairs of the association.

   *Responsible for the proceedings of the sessions of the General Assembly and the Central Authority and writes down a summary of the discussions that take place in the ordinary or extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly and the Central Authority with the decisions taken.

   *Representing the association in the association committees, the associations complex, the Federation of Arab Engineers and various local bodies.

   *Sign the correspondence authorized by the head of the association.

   *Receiving the visitors, solving their problems, and presenting them to the Council.

   *Recommending to the Council for the appointment of employees and determining their salaries.