About Branches
Branch councils in governorates are association commissions made by virtue of the Law amended in2001 to replace the branch committees and play their roles under a legislative and executive power in order to serve the engineering setting within their jurisdiction.
The Association has 22 branches across the Kingdom, 11 of which are governorate branch councils and the other 11 are branch committees affiliated thereto. The branch council consists of seven members as follows:
- Branch Council Head.
- Council Deputy Head.
- Three members.
The branch councils and committees are the pillar on which the Association Council depend to regulate the profession and take care of the fellow engineers’ interests in the governorates. Therefore, the Association new Law added several provisions in relation to the branch councils organization, elections and assurance of independence and decentralization in order to incorporate the real democracy in the practice of the Association process and in forming an institutional operation recognizing the missions, powers and objectives vested in the public commissions and branch councils in governorates such as:
Roles and powers
- To run the governorate branch and collect the fees and other revenues payable to the Association at the branch.
- To form branch committees at the engineers gathering locations within the governorate.
- To organize the scientific, professional, cultural and social activities of the governorate branch.
- To maintain the profession principles, traditions and ethics and to defend the governorate branch members’ rights.
- To settle the professional disputes arising between the members of the governorate branch members; to monitor the performance of the engineering offices and companies at the branch; and to make recommendations with respect thereto to the competent division or the Engineering Offices & Companies Body Council, as the case may be, to settle the dispute or take the legal actions as necessary.
- To contribute to the scientific, professional and practical activities that help developing the local community.
- To enforce the decisions made by the Association Council and to make recommendation to the Council contributing to the profession development.
- To coordinate with the branches and committees of trade unions through the Professional Association Complex in the area.
- To work on expanding the fellow engineers participation base and expanding the association, social and sport activities contributing to the profession and professionals development.
- To take care of the national public causes.
- To take care of and work on establishing engineer housing societies.
- To activate the communication means between the Association (the Headquarter) and branches.
- To secure the provision of potential services to the fellow engineers at their places of residence or work through facilitating the communication of the Association branches with the Headquarter via computer connection in order to ease the fellow engineers reference.
Services provided by branches
Administrative aspect
- To hold General Assembly sessions.
- To receive engineers registration applications.
- To receive the application of trainee and job seeking engineers.
- To handle the mortgage transactions.
- To deal with incoming and outgoing posts.
- To update the branch website.
- To update the announcement board.
- To inquire the engineers records.
- To handle the specialties allowed to be practiced.
- To handle the engineer education qualifications.
- To receive various funds subscription applications.
- To handle the mobile line transactions.
- To enter the investment applications (initially).
Financial aspect
- Daily tasks: to receive the monthly and annual subscription fees to all funds of the Association, to conduct a financial inquiry, to arrange the pension revenue on installments and to collect the receivables.
- Monthly tasks: to make the financial reports and necessary records of the branch monthly expenses and to transfer the daily deposits.
- Annual tasks: to prepare the balance sheet and to make the final budget.
Technical aspect
- To technically review the transactions.
- To enter the contracts into computers.
- To conduct technical inquiries.
- To physically inspect the existent projects and their operations.
- To make the engineering offices statistics.
Activities and events
- To organize activities related to the engineering setting and national causes.
- To make invitations to the participation in the events organized by the Association.
- To make invitations to the participation in the events organized by the local community institutions.
- To carry out the maintenance works of the branch assets.
- To make the branch inventory.
- To carry out the maintenance works of the training center on a regular basis.
Training center
To hold the engineering and administrative training courses of various local community segments at promotional rates.
Association Branches