The field survey is complimentary for the profession practice process, as the field survey team visits the engineers in their workplaces. The team’s mission is to make the engineers aware of the Association’s services such as (health insurance, social security, cellphones, loans … etc.) and correct their situations at the Department in terms of (workplaces, experiences, and work duality control). The team is also supposed to collect and constantly update the engineers’ new data and in order to ensure there is a high-quality data. This contributes to regulating the engineering profession leading to regulating the engineering business for the purpose of fulfilling the Jordanian engineers’ needs in the light of labor market variables.

  1. To create database concerning the engineers and companies’ affairs.
  2. To clarify the Association concept in conformity with the Labor Law.
  3. To register as many companies as possible.
  4. To create job or training opportunities for engineers.
  5. To activate the participation of the Association and companies in fields regarding engineers such as conferences, visits… etc.
  1. The relevant entities are sent an official letter from the Association in order to facilitate the field survey mission.
  2. The relevant individuals are interviewed at the company and the matters related to the company are discussed with them as stated in the field survey form, and the interview takes no more than half an hour.
  3. The engineers are interviewed at the company and their situations at the company are discussed.
  4. To clarify the Association’s objectives for the fellow engineers and to explain the services provided to them.